Xiaomi, the Apple of China has just announced that it has sold around 2.3 million Redmi Note 3 handsets in India making it the bestselling phone online in the country. The company claims that one "Redmi Note 3 is sold every 7 seconds in India and one out of nine phones sold online in India is Redmi Note 3."
On the other hand, Xiaomi's Chinese counterpart, LeEco created a similar buzz when it sold more than 200,000 Le 1s handsets in less than 30 secs during its flash sales in the country. SEE ALSO: Best Deals: 10 Mobile Covers and Cases at up to 50% Off on Amazon India Both the smartphones were launched with similar price tags - Le 1s at Rs. 10,999 and Redmi Note 3 at Rs. 11,999. In this post, we compare both these models to see which one offers the best value for your money.
Design and build quality The LeEco Le 1s is quite a looker and there are no second thoughts about it. Its all-metal unibody is made of aircraft grade aluminum and the neatly chamfered edges only adds to its looks. Having said that, it would be slightly cumbersome to use for those who have shorter hands. On the other side, Redmi Note 3 also has an all-metal body but, lags behind the Le 1s in terms of looks. This, by any means, is not to say that Xiaomi's handset doesn't look good but, it's just that its competitor looks better. However, what it lacks in looks makes up with the kind of comfort it provides while using it. As far as the build quality is concerned, both the handsets feel sturdy in the hand.
Display Both smartphones feature a 5.5-inch Full HD display which results in a pixel density of 401 PPI. In addition to that, both of these have a similar brightness level and sunlight legibility making it difficult to choose between these two. So, it's up to you now to choose between them depending on your requirement.
Hardware While the Le 1s comes in a 3GB/32GB ROM variant, Redmi Note 3 comes in two different variants with 2GB/16GB and 3GB/32GB RAM and storage options. Additionally, the latter allows you to expand your storage space while the former doesn't. In terms of chipset, the Redmi Note 3 is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 650 chipset whereas the Le 1s is equipped with a MediaTek Helio X10 processor
Performance Both the handsets run Android 5.1 Lollipop out-of-the-box with a layer of their own custom UIs atop - Xiaomi's MIUI and LeEco's EUI. While there were a few glitches initially, both the companies have solved the problems via software updates. In terms of performance, both handle tasks equally well. Even graphic-intensive games like Asphalt 8: Airborne ran smoothly on both the devices. We could call it a tie between these phones as far as performance is concerned.
Camera While the Le 1s sports a 13 MP rear camera, the Redmi Note 3 comes with a 16 MP rear camera. Images captured on both the handsets looked similar, however, the ones captured on the latter looked slightly better. For selfie enthusiasts, both of them have a 5 MP camera on the front. Additionally, the Le 1s has support for recording 4K videos whereas the Note 3 lacks support for it.
Battery When it comes to battery life, undoubtedly the Note 3 offers best battery life among the two. The Le 1s packs a 3000mAh battery as opposed to the 4050mAh battery on the Note 3.
Verdict Eventually, it all boils down to one question, which one should you buy? Well, we've made our points already. All features put together, the Redmi Note 3 looks like a better deal. However, if you want a phone that looks great and performs all the other tasks decently, Le 1s is not a bad option either.
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